Yes! Magazine and restoration of Community Theatre.
Critique of Hollywood opens way to end monetary control.
In Yes Magazine authors Jessica Annimatane and Henry Kantis among others offer ooit about restoration of community theater abd an end to the monetary system by saying Hollywood has a lot to answer for.
It us true Hollywood is about corporate control and community theaters plus support for Unions were the preference at one time.
Author Konali again bolsters point of a handfull of wealthy constructing bull shit to impose a monetary system in the planet, commit war crimes, and pretend Soviet Unions did not exist. Covert Death squads an propaganda of first Monarchists then those retaining the monetary system of that.
The Author says if only the bullshit were more clear and both USA and Confederacy were and are such and a worker based Socialists Union understood to be the truth. Well actually mention of reparations were made but pretty much the truth. A monetary system was imposed on Africa abd as Communism existed much if forced labour possibly involved Communists and as that was decried and people put into forced labour.